Supplier Compliance



This Supplier Code of Conduct sets forth the principles and ethical standards that we expect from and will apply to all Suppliers who provide goods and/or services to SSSC. A Supplier is any person, firm, corporation or other entity, including its officers, agents and representatives which provides or offers to provide goods and/or services to SSSC.


LEGAL COMPLIANCE – Each supplier must conduct business in full compliance with all applicable national, regional, state and local laws and regulations and all applicable laws of the countries in which supplier operates, including without limitations all trade, export and import controls and all applicable antitrust and fair competition laws.


HUMAN RIGHTS – SSSC is committed to treating our Team members, our customers and our suppliers with dignity and respect for human rights and without discrimination. SSSC expects our suppliers to adopt and enforce consistent human rights principles and to comply with all human rights laws and regulations applicable to them. Each of our suppliers must have policies and controls in place and agree that -   


  • Suppliers will Prohibit child labor, forced labor or compulsory labor and human trafficking. A child is considered to be any person under the age of 18.
  • Suppliers ensure compliance with applicable wage, hours and benefits laws, including those relating to minimum wages, working hours, rest and break periods, overtime work and overtime pay
  • Suppliers verify the employment eligibility of workers
  • Suppliers will respect the right of workers to freely associate, organize and bargain collectively in full compliance with applicable laws
  • Suppliers ensure a workplace free from discrimination and harassment, especially based on race, color, gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, religion, caste, national origin, ethnicity, marital status, disability, pregnancy, dependents or political beliefs.
  • Suppliers ensure protection from abusive practices or undue disciplinary measures.
  • Suppliers respect the rights of indigenous people and local communities and suppliers will obtain free, prior and informed consent for any activities that may impact these groups.


SAFE AND HEALTHY WORKPLACE – SSSC is committed to providing our Team members with a safe and secure work environment. We expect all suppliers’ that produce or provide goods or services for SSSC to ensure their workplace environments are safe and healthy for all workers. All working conditions must meet or exceed applicable health and safety laws and industry standards, including clean and safe housing.



PRODUCT SAFETY, QUALITY and REGULATORY COMPLIANCE - SSSC is committed to ensuring our products meet high standards for product safety and quality. Suppliers must provide products and services that meet or exceed all applicable legal, regulatory and contractual standards for product safety and quality. All products supplied to SSSC will be of the highest quality, produced in facilities that are in compliance with current “Good Manufacturing Practices” (GMP), that operate under a program of proper “Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures” (SSOP) and are in compliance with the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) guidelines for “Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points” (HACCP) as outlined in 21 CFR Part 123.

All suppliers’ plants will be registered with the FDA as per Bio-Terrorism regulations and are fully CoOL compliant. All products supplied to Seattle Shrimp & Seafood Company Inc., are 100% net weight products, accurately labeled in accordance with the USFDA Seafood list and that the species is clearly identified and guaranteed to be Lacey Act compliant. All products will be fully traceable.


Additionally, upholding FSMA Section 103: the articles comprising each shipment or any time a delivery of goods from Supplier is made, it is guaranteed that at the date of the shipment the articles will:

  • Not be adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of Federal and State Food and Drug acts.
  • Not be an article which may not be introduced into interstate commerce by the same acts.
  • Not in violation of the regulations of any applicable governmental authority.             

Suppliers must promptly report to SSSC any deficiencies in product safety or quality so that the appropriate actions may be taken to recover products if applicable.


SUSTAINABILITY and SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY – SSSC seeks to conduct business with suppliers who are committed to environmental sustainability and social responsibility. At a minimum this means suppliers will follow all applicable environmental laws and regulations and will have the commitment as well as the ability to remediate any environmental problems they may cause. Our suppliers should prioritize the following areas –


  • Promoting responsible sourcing practices to help support an ethical, sustainable, and resilient supply chain
  • Promoting products that have environmental and/or social benefits
  • Fostering an inclusive and dynamic workplace to help enhance workers well being
  • Engaging in best practices to help address greenhouse gas emissions and environmental footprint across the supply chain
  • Eliminating Deforestation


ETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES – SSSC conducts our business ethically and honestly and we expect the same of all we do business with. Our suppliers must have written policies and controls in place to prohibit and detect misuse of company assets, corruption, bribery, conflicts of interest, improper gifts, fraud and embezzlement.  Suppliers must not offer or make bribes, kickbacks, or improper payments of any kind to SSSC Team members, any related party od a SSSC Team member (directly of indirectly) or government officials. Suppliers are required to comply with U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act as well as all local or applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws.


CONFINDENTIALITY and PRIVACY - Suppliers shall respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of their professional relationship with SSSC and must not disclose that information to any other person or entity

except when authorized in writing by SSSC or otherwise legally obligated to disclose such information. Confidential and/or proprietary information includes, without limitation, product specifications, cost, pricing, customer and other supplier information. Additionally, suppliers must protect from unauthorized disclosure any private information regarding SSSC customers or Team members that the supplier may receive.